Looking for and choosing living room furniture for your home can be lots of fun. You might know what you have in mind and what you're looking for, or you just might know what you'll want when you see it. While shopping (whether online or in person) you may want to keep a few rule of thumbs in mind. One I would suggest is the height of your coffee table. Picking one that's just the right height, not too high, nor too low, can be a challenge.
When you choose a coffee table, choose one that is about the same height as your couch and/or chair. One that is too low means you and your guests will have to lean over much farther to place a glass on the table. In the picture above, you can see that the coffee table is too low. It's also out of proportion to the couch. Ideally, the coffee table should be about two thirds the length of the couch so this couch is not sized appropriately for this couch at all.
As you'll notice in the above image, the coffee table is too high for this couch. When purchasing furniture, it's a good idea to know the measurements of furniture you already have. The couch pictured is on the lower side. Any coffee table purchased to go with it should be on the lower side, too.
Pictured above is an example of a coffee table that is perfectly the right height for the couch. It's about an inch or two below the height of the couch cushions and is spaced about 12"-18" from the couch, allowing plenty of room to walk between the two. Your coffee table should also go with the design style of your living room. It doesn't have to be part of a set nor does it have to be too matchy, matchy. The white coffee table here goes with the white vases and stand and the wood legs are repeated in the wood legs of the couch, making it a great compliment.
Remember the main rule of thumb here: your coffee table should be about the same height as your couh cushions, or an inch or two lower. Remember to bring your measuring tape with you when you go shopping for furniture and have measurements of the furniture at home on hand. Purchase a coffee table in proportion to your couch and most of all, have fun!